Stacking reviews

So far the CLI has given us a way to easily create a review (PR). This gets more interesting when we wish to continue working on top of an existing review. With Plz, each commit will correspond to a single review, allowing you to merge upstream changes while adding on new features that depend on them in parallel with the review process.

Continuing with the example above, suppose you wrote some more code based on the changes introduced by review 55. Letโ€™s commit those changes and run plz status to see where weโ€™re at:

$ git commit -a -m 'Support direction parameter for linkedRevisions'
  [work 44d4014] Support direction parameter for linkedRevisions
  1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
$ plz status
  44d40141 Support direction parameter for linkedRevisions    (new)
  0babae5b Skip rebase when the old and new bases are the ... (rev 1, current)

Running plz review again will push the new commit to the remote as a new review:

$ plz review
  f7c59230 Support direction parameter for linkedRevisions    created
  0babae5b Skip rebase when the old and new bases are the ... unchanged
$ plz status
  f7c59230 Support direction parameter for linkedRevisions    (rev 1, current)
  0babae5b Skip rebase when the old and new bases are the ... (rev 1, current)

Last updated